
Eliminating confusion when differentiating between items by color

Eliminating confusion when differentiating between items by color
  1. How does color influence perception?
  2. What are the ways to differentiate colors?
  3. What does it mean to be color confused?

How does color influence perception?

Some colours induce a feeling of pleasure in the observer. When an affectively positive, or pleasurably perceived, colour is viewed after a less-pleasant colour, it produces more pleasure than when viewed by itself, an effect known as affective contrast enhancement.

What are the ways to differentiate colors?

Colour differentiation is most influenced by the contrast in brightness, or light-dark contrast. Brightness is the amount of white that is present in a colour. Pairing black with white provides the greatest brightness contrast, since white has a 100% brightness value whereas black has a brightness value of 0%.

What does it mean to be color confused?

Put simply, color confusion is when someone mistakenly identifies a color, for example calling something orange when it is actually green. Color blindness is an often misunderstood condition.

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