
View state (read only) for checkboxes and radio buttons

View state (read only) for checkboxes and radio buttons
  1. Which is better radio buttons checkboxes?
  2. How to set checkbox readonly in JavaScript?
  3. How do I make a checkbox read only?

Which is better radio buttons checkboxes?

When should you use radio buttons or checkboxes? This relies entirely on what question you are asking. If you want your users to select multiple options, use checkboxes. If you want your users to select only one option, use radio buttons (or another alternative).

How to set checkbox readonly in JavaScript?

ready(function() $(":checkbox"). bind("click", false); ); This would make the checkboxes read only which would be helpful for showing readonly data to the client.

How do I make a checkbox read only?

Disable action will make the checkbox is read only, but this lead to checkbox value will not store in the session, so you will need to do some walkaround such as creating temp item to hold the value.

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