
Toggle Switch position the right way?

Toggle Switch position the right way?
  1. Should the toggle be left or right?
  2. Which position is on for toggle switch?
  3. How do you tell if a toggle switch is on or off?

Should the toggle be left or right?

To answer straight labels should be "Right side".

Which position is on for toggle switch?

In the USA and Canada and Mexico and the rest of North America, it is usual for the "on" position of a toggle switch to be "up", whereas in many other countries such as the UK, Ireland, Australia, and in New Zealand it is "down." ...

How do you tell if a toggle switch is on or off?

The power-on symbol, as per IEC 60417-5007, on a button or toggle switch, means that the control will turn on the equipment. 1 or | means on. The power-off symbol, as per IEC 60417-5008, on a button or toggle, indicates that using the control will disconnect power to the device. 0 or ◯ means off.

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