
Should UI be phrased positively or negatively? [duplicate]

Should UI be phrased positively or negatively? [duplicate]
  1. How do you phrase a negative as a positive?
  2. What is the goal of effective UI?

How do you phrase a negative as a positive?

Use “I” Statements

It's psychology 101. Using a statement that begins with the word “I” instead of the word “you,” can often avoid negative messages that make the listener feel blamed or defensive. “I” statements help express feelings in a positive way, even when you're feeling a little irritated.

What is the goal of effective UI?

The goal of effective UI is to make the user's experience easy and intuitive, requiring minimum effort on the user's part to receive the maximum desired outcome. UI is created in layers of interaction that appeal to the human senses (sight, touch, auditory and more).

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