
Should single input be wrapped in a form?

Should single input be wrapped in a form?
  1. Should you wrap input in form?
  2. Does a label have to wrap an input?
  3. Should an input always have a label?

Should you wrap input in form?

No you don't. The form is used to send data to the server, like some kind of search mask to query a database. You can put all your input tags in one form tag.

Does a label have to wrap an input?

In all instances, except for radio buttons and checkboxes, the contents of the label must come before the form control. In this example, the label wraps around the input and the contents of the label is placed before the input. And this is how it would appear with the label wrapping around the content and the input.

Should an input always have a label?

Answer. It is best to ensure that all form inputs have a visible label. Visible labels help users understand the input's purpose. Placeholder text does not suffice and should not be considered as "good enough".

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