
Should I ever ask what participants in a usability study what they thought about me as a moderator? (New to usability testing!)

Should I ever ask what participants in a usability study what they thought about me as a moderator? (New to usability testing!)
  1. What do you ask users to do when you are moderating a usability test?
  2. What is a question you would avoid during a usability study?
  3. What types of tasks should participants in a usability test be asked to perform?
  4. How do you recruit participants for a usability study?

What do you ask users to do when you are moderating a usability test?

Give Tasks One at a Time

To ensure that the participant reads the task properly, ask the participant to read the task out loud. Check that the participant understands the activity before they start attempting it. Asking them to read each task out loud can ease participants into thinking aloud.

What is a question you would avoid during a usability study?

Avoid asking leading questions that imply or contain their own answer, which could skew the results of your usability test; and be careful not to ask vague questions that won't provide value to the results of your test.

What types of tasks should participants in a usability test be asked to perform?

A Typical Usability Test

Ask the users to perform representative tasks on the website. For example, representative tasks on an online shopping site might include: Find a particular product (as the tester, you would specify the product) Place that product in your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.

How do you recruit participants for a usability study?

The best, but most expensive, way to recruit for user research is to use a market research recruitment company to do it for you. You can find these via Google and the recruiter can help you draw up a good recruitment profile and then find people to take part.

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