
Navigational alternative to tabs

Navigational alternative to tabs
  1. What is an alternative to tabs?
  2. What is navigation tab?
  3. Was one of the first sites to use tab dividers for navigation?
  4. Are tabs good on website?

What is an alternative to tabs?

If they're too long, then accordions are a better choice rather than tabs! Accordions placed on a horizontal space have too much space to accommodate long options and plenty of data, while on tabs if you choose long names as labels, they will look more or less like accordions only!

What is navigation tab?

Navigation tabs provide a clear visual indication of what content can be found on a website and places the current location in context by highlighting it.

Was one of the first sites to use tab dividers for navigation?

With the emergence of web sites, tabs started being used for navigation purposes. This technique was first popularized by Amazon in 1998.

Are tabs good on website?

It's important to use tabs wisely. They can be a great tool to ease navigation and group related content, but sometimes a page benefits from being tab-less. An efficient, high-quality website needs an effectively structured navigation and tabs are certainly an option.

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