
Links vs Actions

Links vs Actions
  1. What is button links and actions in Salesforce?
  2. Should I use buttons or links?
  3. What are actions in Salesforce?
  4. What are the types of actions in Salesforce?

What is button links and actions in Salesforce?

Custom buttons and links can streamline actions within Salesforce or integrate Salesforce data with external URLs, applications, or systems. You can override the behavior of standard buttons—like New, View, or Edit—in Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, and mobile independently.

Should I use buttons or links?

There are differences as to when a button should be used rather than a link. UX Movement wrote an article about this, and they came up with a simple rule: Buttons are used for actions that affect the website's front-end or back-end; links are used for navigation and actions that don't affect the website at all.

What are actions in Salesforce?

Actions enable users to do more in Salesforce, such as create or update records and log calls. If you've already created and used actions in your organization, you're familiar with how they work in Salesforce Classic. If you've used our mobile apps, you've seen how they work in the Salesforce mobile app.

What are the types of actions in Salesforce?

There are several categories of actions, such as standard Chatter actions, default actions, mobile smart actions, custom actions, and productivity actions. The types of actions you see depends on the age and configuration of your org.

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