
Is there a character limit to items listed in a drop-down menu?

Is there a character limit to items listed in a drop-down menu?

There are limits to the number of items that will show in a data validation drop down list: The list can show up to show 32,767 items from a list on the worksheet. If you type the items into the data validation dialog box (a delimited list), the limit is 256 characters, including the separators.

  1. How long should a dropdown menu be?
  2. How many items can you have in a dropdown?
  3. How many items should be in a dropdown menu?
  4. How do I make my data validation list longer?

How long should a dropdown menu be?

Avoid dropdowns for more than 10 options or less than 5

There are three main issues with dropdowns that have such a large number of options: no overview – seeing more than 20 uncategorized options can be confusing and intimidating to users, making it difficult for them to find the input they need.

How many items can you have in a dropdown?

If you enter the names in a range on a worksheet, and set the Source of the Data Validation to that range, the list can contain up to 32767 items. Was this reply helpful?

How many items should be in a dropdown menu?

In General, Avoid Drop-Downs When There Are More Than 10 or Fewer Than 5 Options.

How do I make my data validation list longer?

By default, a data validation drop-down list only shows 8 items in the list when clicking the drop-down arrow. So you need to drag the scroll bar down for viewing more values in the list.

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