
How to tackle browser's back and forward buttons/arrows?

How to tackle browser's back and forward buttons/arrows?
  1. How to implement back and forward functionality like browser?
  2. What is the use of back button and forward button?
  3. What happens when we press back button in browser?
  4. What is the use of forward button in computer?

How to implement back and forward functionality like browser?

Initialize currentStateURL that will store the current URL of the Browser. Initialize two stacks forwardStack and backwardStack that will store the sequence of URLs accessed when the forward and the backward buttons are pressed respectively.

What is the use of back button and forward button?

The forward button is used to go to the next page while the back button is used to go to the previous page.

What happens when we press back button in browser?

A back button in the browser lets you back-up to the copies of pages you visited previously. The web browser's back and next buttons work well with web sites that provide information that changes infrequently, such as news and shopping web sites.

What is the use of forward button in computer?

To forward a message, press Ctrl+F to open the message ready for your input, with the cursor on the To address line so you can enter the name of the recipient.

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