
How many Empathy maps do I need to make?

How many Empathy maps do I need to make?

Always start with a 1:1 mapping (1 user/persona per empathy map). This means that, if you have multiple personas, there should be an empathy map for each.

  1. How long does an empathy map take?
  2. How many key areas does an empathy map consider?
  3. Why do we create empathy maps?

How long does an empathy map take?

How does the empathy map work? The empathy map exercise begins with an introduction of its purpose, clearly stating that we are trying to uncover particular areas that we may need to focus on. The whole process will usually take between 30 and 40 minutes.

How many key areas does an empathy map consider?

An Empathy Map consists of four quadrants. The four quadrants reflect four key traits, which the user demonstrated/possessed during the observation/research stage. The four quadrants refer to what the user: Said, Did, Thought, and Felt. It's fairly easy to determine what the user said and did.

Why do we create empathy maps?

An empathy map is a collaborative tool teams can use to gain a deeper insight into their customers. Much like a user persona, an empathy map can represent a group of users, such as a customer segment. The empathy map was originally created by Dave Gray and has gained much popularity within the agile community.

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