
Generative research - methods for finding areas of improvement in an existing app

Generative research - methods for finding areas of improvement in an existing app
  1. What are generative research methods?
  2. What research methods would you use to understand the usability of your app or website?
  3. What kind of research methods do you use in UX?
  4. When to do generative research?

What are generative research methods?

What is generative research? Generative research is defined as a method of research that helps researchers develop a deeper understanding of users in order to find opportunities for solutions and innovation. Sometimes referred to as discovery or exploratory research, the goal is always the same.

What research methods would you use to understand the usability of your app or website?

UX research includes two main types: quantitative (statistical data) and qualitative (insights that can be observed but not computed), done through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies. The UX research methods used depend on the type of site, system, or app being developed.

What kind of research methods do you use in UX?

UX researchers employ different research methods to understand who users are, what they need, and how they behave. Common UX research methods are usability testing, user interviews, surveys, card sorting, tree testing, field studies, and more.

When to do generative research?

Generative research happens at the discovery phase of the user research process and usually takes place before the beginning of the design and product development process. Conducting generative research early will ensure you grasp the problem space well by studying people's motivations, needs, and pain points.

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