
Does having infinite scrolling in article listing page affect ad revenue?

Does having infinite scrolling in article listing page affect ad revenue?
  1. Does infinite scroll affect SEO?
  2. Should I use infinite scrolling?
  3. How useful is the use of infinite scroll in loading huge amount of data?
  4. Is infinite scroll better than pagination?

Does infinite scroll affect SEO?

Last Updated: May 20, 2022

Infinite scrolling can work for many different types of websites, including websites that list products for sale, blog posts, items in a directory, and more. However, infinite scroll can present a problem for SEO because Googlebot doesn't scroll.

Should I use infinite scrolling?

Infinite scrolling typically works best for situations where users will want to scroll through homogeneous items with no particular task or goal in mind — for example, entertainment, news, or social media.

How useful is the use of infinite scroll in loading huge amount of data?

Another advantage of infinite scrolling is that it works on mobile devices which are present with users 24/7. This makes it abundantly easier for websites/applications with infinite scroll to grab user attention and increase engagement.

Is infinite scroll better than pagination?

Pagination works better on websites where users are looking for specific pieces of content. Whereas infinite scroll is better suited for websites where you want users to discover and explore the content available. Infinite scroll is also much more effective for mobile devices.

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