
Designing a home screen for a mobile app

Designing a home screen for a mobile app
  1. What should an app home screen have?
  2. What is home screen in mobile app?
  3. How many screens should an app have?

What should an app home screen have?

First of all, the main screen usually includes the search field or button so that users could easily search for the content they need. Also, since home screen is a start point for user journey, it often contains navigation elements providing access to the various content sections.

What is home screen in mobile app?

The Android Home Screen is the screen that can contain widgets, icons for apps and more. It is the screen you use to organize your smartphone's tools. It is like a desktop screen on your computer. Access the Home screen by pressing the Home button at the bottom of the screen.

How many screens should an app have?

How many screens should an app have? The ideal mobile screen number is between 8 to 11, respectively. Moreover, most successful apps have 11 screen types. Therefore, optimizing your app experience for about 8-10 screens and 30-50 controls per screen is advised.

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