
Deliberately make customisation features hard to find in order to avoid customisation

Deliberately make customisation features hard to find in order to avoid customisation
  1. Why is customization not desirable in ERP?
  2. What is the strategy of customization?
  3. What is customizable features?

Why is customization not desirable in ERP?

Customization might break the ERP's source code

To customize you ERP system, you have to make changes to the source code. If you don't have the skill or experience to make these changes, and if you're not careful about what changes you make, you could cause damage to your ERP system.

What is the strategy of customization?

Customization is a new strategy to deal with changing customer demands, which enables firms to enhance their interaction with customers. 8. In this approach, both interactional and operational aspects must be flexible in order to allow products to be customized.

What is customizable features?

Customization allows users to make selections and set preferences in a system, with the intent of giving users more control over the user experience.

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