
Changing the discussion guide halfway through a round of interviews [closed]

Changing the discussion guide halfway through a round of interviews [closed]
  1. How do you prepare for a scenario based interview question?
  2. What are scenario based questions?
  3. What are leading interview questions?

How do you prepare for a scenario based interview question?

Prepare for situational questions in advance. Identify the key requirements in the job ad. Then find achievements in your past that match. Answer hypothetical interview questions with a problem you faced, a solution you came up with, and a benefit to the company.

What are scenario based questions?

Situational/ Scenario interviews- are situations or scenarios the interviewer will provide the interviewee to see how they would respond to that situation. This allows the respondent to provide a hypothetical response even if they do not have experience in the field.

What are leading interview questions?

Leading questions

A leading question is one that suggests or tends to suggest its own answer. It often assumes a fact that has not yet been established. It sometimes calls for a 'yes' or 'no' response. Leading questions should not be used when interviewing children.

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