
Best practices to allow user to hide/show columns in a data table

Best practices to allow user to hide/show columns in a data table
  1. How do I hide and show columns in DataTable?
  2. Which property allows you to hide columns and order the columns you want to show?
  3. How to hide a column in jquery data table?
  4. How to hide DataTable column in HTML?

How do I hide and show columns in DataTable?

In addition, groups of columns can be shown and hidden at the same time using the columns() method to select multiple columns and then using the columns(). visible() method to set their state.

Which property allows you to hide columns and order the columns you want to show?

The visibility CSS property shows or hides an element without changing the layout of a document. The property can also hide rows or columns in a <table> .

How to hide a column in jquery data table?

Hide columns dynamically

var dt = $('#example'). DataTable(); //hide the first column dt. column(0). visible(false);

How to hide DataTable column in HTML?

DataTable( columnDefs: [ target: 2, visible: false, searchable: false, , target: 3, visible: false, , ], ); ); In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example:

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