
Best font to use in body and header in a pdf document? [closed]

Best font to use in body and header in a pdf document? [closed]
  1. What font type is best for titles and headers?
  2. What is the best font for PDF document?
  3. Should header and body have same font?
  4. Which font must not be used for PDF documents?

What font type is best for titles and headers?

Either serif or sans-serif fonts are fine for body copy and headings, but sans-serif fonts are still more popular for both. Common choices for headlines are Georgia, Arial and Helvetica. Common choices for body copy are Georgia, Arial, Verdana and Lucida Grande.

What is the best font for PDF document?

Arial font is a great choice for online readability! Note: If you're going to have something that could be viewed either in print OR online (like a PDF document uploaded onto your website, for example), we recommend going with a sans serif font. When in doubt, sans serif is the best option! Check your readability.

Should header and body have same font?

Headings. For headings, either use the same typeface as the body text, or pair with one serif typeface such as Cambria or Merriweather. Don't combine different serif typefaces (for example, don't pair Merriweather with Cambria). Vary the size and boldness of the type to make your headings stand out.

Which font must not be used for PDF documents?

Fonts that are not necessarily included in PDF files

Times-Roman , Times-Bold , Times-Italic & Times-BoldItalic. Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique & Helvetica-BoldOblique. Symbol. ZapfDingbats.

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