
Alternative ways to draw attention to a new link on a web page

Alternative ways to draw attention to a new link on a web page
  1. What is hyper linking?
  2. Which is the correct way to create a link to another page?

What is hyper linking?

In a website, a hyperlink (or link) is an item like a word or button that points to another location. When you click on a link, the link will take you to the target of the link, which may be a webpage, document or other online content. Websites use hyperlinks as a way to navigate online content.

Which is the correct way to create a link to another page?

Linking to other Web Pages. Linking in HTML code is done with the anchor tag, the <A> tag. The letter "A" in the tag is then followed by an attribute. For a link to another web page, the "A" is followed by "HREF".

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