
Accessibility for a select tag that dynamically changes the URL of the following anchor tag [closed]

Accessibility for a select tag that dynamically changes the URL of the following anchor tag [closed]
  1. How do I make an anchor link accessible?
  2. Which CSS selector controls how a link anchor tag looks while the user mouses over the link IE while hovering?

How do I make an anchor link accessible?

So, it's best to add text content to the <a> element, and make sure to visually hide it. This way, screen readers can still access it but it'll be visually hidden for other users. Second, the # can be left in and hidden from screen readers using aria-hidden , while still being visible on the page.

Which CSS selector controls how a link anchor tag looks while the user mouses over the link IE while hovering?

Tip: Use the :link selector to style links to unvisited pages, the :hover selector to style links when you mouse over them, and the :active selector to style links when you click on them.

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